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Scientific research

Dr. Xu lei from the university of south Australia made an academic report to our hospital
Author:     Date:2017-10-20    Read Points:

On the afternoon of October 19, Dr. Xu lei, from the university of south Australia in Australia, made an academic report entitled "research on the financial difficulties of listed companies in China" in room 201 of our hospital. This report will be presided over by wulong, and some students, such as wei senmiao and fang jianhua, attended the meeting.

Wu long expressed his sincere gratitude to xu lei for his lecture, and hoped that the teachers and students could learn from this report and think about it. The report will be divided into two parts: comments on the financial distress of listed companies and the publication and guidance of SSCI articles.

First of all, xu lei analyzed and explained the market delisting system and the two-step measurement of financial distress. He also draws a number of conclusions by controlling variables and studying the relevance of government. Xu lei's wonderful report aroused the strong reaction of the teachers and students in this room. Later, the teachers such as wei, liu, and other teachers held a more brilliant academic discussion with xu lei. Subsequently, tone&justo published SSCI article focuses on related matters, to contribute articles in journal selection and process in detail, carefully analyses the characteristics of data resources at home and abroad, and to the teachers to share his academic achievements and research experience.

The report will come to a successful conclusion in a harmonious academic atmosphere. The report from a new Angle to observe the international financial field, the interpretation of some problems on the financial distress, enhancing the teachers of the friendly relations with foreign teachers, strengthen the communication with overseas academic enhance the academic level of our hospital.

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