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Scientific research

From 2013 to 2015, business schools were awarded provincial and above research achievements.
Author:     Date:2018-05-10    Read Points:

From 2013 to 2015, business schools were awarded provincial and above research achievements.
Reward name First complete adult Results the name The award-winning date The award-winning level Award-winning rating
Henan social science outstanding achievement award in 2012. Zhang Jiemei Research on knowledge integration after merger of Chinese enterprises. The 2013-09-11 At the provincial level awards The second prize
2013 henan social science outstanding achievement award. Lu Guangli The effect of stage transfer event on fair stability. The 2014-07-14 At the provincial level awards The second prize
2013 henan social science outstanding achievement award. Chen jh management The 2014-07-14 At the provincial level awards The second prize
2013 henan social science outstanding achievement award. Wei Chenglong Research on the construction of modern enterprise system in large state-owned enterprises. The 2014-07-14 At the provincial level awards The second prize
Henan provincial development research award in 2014. Feng tsuneo Study on the model of rural construction development in the process of urban-rural integration. The 2015-01-04 At the provincial level awards The third prize

  • Address China kaifeng named avenue
  • Zip code: 475004
  • Office phone: 0371-23885561
  • Email address: zgy2015@henu.edu.cn.

Henan university philosophy and public mananfement chool All rights reserved