
管理学博士学位,Changwon National University(韩国国立昌原大学),韩国 [2011.08-2014.08.22]
管理学硕士学位,Changwon National University(韩国国立昌原大学),韩国 [2009.08-2011.08.20]
公派交换生,湖西大学,韩国 [2007.08-2008.07]
管理学学士学位,湖南理工学院,岳阳 [ 2005.08-2009.07.01 ]
副教授,伟德国际1946源自英国,开封/郑州,中国 [ 2021- ]
访问学者,布卢姆菲尔德学院/欧道明大学,美国 [2019.09-2019.12]
校特聘副教授,伟德国际1946源自英国,开封/郑州,中国 [ 2014.11-2020 ]
讲师,韩国国立昌原大学平生教育院 [2010.09-2014.11]
韩国庆尚南道(省) 名誉外交官
韩国现代汽车集团威亚株式会社 海外事业部
韩国庆尚南道(省)昌原法院 庭审中韩翻译
国际顶级/权威学术期刊Journal of Business Research (SSCI)、
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics (SSCI)、
Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science 等的匿名审稿人
Xiaolei, Yu., Chunlin, Yuan., Juran, Kim. & Shuman, Wang. (2021). A new form of brand experience in online social networks: An empirical analysis. Journal of Business Research. 130:426-435 (SSCI-JCR一区)
Chunlin, Yuan., Shuman, Wang., Xiaolei, Yu.*, Kyunghoon Kim. & Hakil Moon. (2021). The influence of flow experience in the augmented reality context on psychological ownership. International Journal of Advertising.40(6):922-944 (SSCI-JCR一区, 通讯作者)
Chunlin, Yuan., Shuman, Wang. & Xiaolei, Yu.* (2020), The impact of food traceability system on consumer perceived value and purchase intention in China, Industrial Management & Data Systems. 120(4):810-824(SCI, SSCI-JCR 一区双检索,通讯作者)
Xiaolei, Yu. & Chunlin, Yuan. (2019). How consumers’ brand experience in social media can improve brand perception and customer equity. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 31(5):1233–1251. (SSCI-JCR二区:1.276)
Chunlin, Yuan., Hakil, Moon., Shuman, Wang., Xiaolei, Yu. & Kyunghoon, Kim., (2021). Study on the influencing of B2B parasocial relationship on repeat purchase intention in the online purchasing environment: An empirical study of B2B E-commerce platform. Industrial Marketing Management, 92, 101-110 (SSCI 一区)
Chunlin, Yuan., Hakil, Moon., Kyunghoon, Kim., Shuman, Wang. & Xiaolei, Yu.(2020). Third-party organization endorsement impacts on perceived value and B2B customer loyalty. Industrial Marketing Management, 90, 221-230 (SSCI 一区)
Xiaolei, Yu., Juhua, Li. & Juhyoung, Lee. Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) Corporate / Consumer-CSR Activities and Brand Attitude A case study of South Korean Companies in Chinese Market. The Society of Humanities in East Asia, 2014, 28(-): 705-736.(KCI=CSSCI)
Chunlin, Yuan., Xiaolei, Yu. * Comparison on the Structural Equation Model of Fan Involvement, Team Identity, Advertisement Attitude, Brand Equity, and Brand Loyalty between KBL and CBA. Korean Journal of Sport and Leisure Studies, 2015, 62(-): 259-271(KCI=CSSCI)
郑佳佳,喻晓蕾,FDI的引进加剧了我国的碳排放吗?--基于市场化角度的再分析,中国管理科学,2015, 23(SI): 78-785(CSSCI)
Chunlin, Yuan. & Xiaolei, Yu. * Structural Relationships among Brand Value, Brand Attitude, Brand Affect, & Brand Loyalty for the Companies Participated as the 2012 London Olympic Official Sponsors. Korean Journal of Sport Management, 2013, 18(5): 61-74. (KCI=CSSCI)
Xiaolei, Yu., Kyunghoon, Kim. Brand attractiveness of virtual try-on and parasocial relationship: Is it a matter of flow experience? 2020 Global Marketing Conference, Seoul(Online), 2020.11.5 - 2020.11.8
Xiaolei, Yu., Kyunghoon, Kim. Celebrity-consumer interaction and product innovation performance: Is it a matter of emotions? 2020 Global Marketing Conference, Seoul(Online), 2020.11.5 - 2020.11.8
Xiaolei, Yu., Kyunghoon, Kim., Shuman Wang. The effect of brand attractiveness on brand attachment: the moderating roles of flow experience. 2019 Global Fashion Management Conference, Paris, 2019.7.11 - 2019.7.14
Xiaolei, Yu., Kyunghoon, Kim., Shuman, Wang., Chunlin Yuan. The effect of parasocial relationship in B2B purchasing platform on user loyalty: evidence from the china B2B purchasing platform. 2019 Global Fashion Management Conference, Paris, 2019.7.11 - 2019.7.14
Xiaolei, Yu., Kyunghoon, Kim., Shuman, Wang. The influence of live streaming service of web celebrity on consumer impulsive buying behavior. Global Fashion Management Conference, Paris, 2019.7.11 - 2019.7.14
Xiaolei, Yu., Kyunghoon, Kim., Tony C. Garrett., Chunlin, Yuan., Shuman, Wang. Impact of dynamic brand experience on customer equity in virtual community environment: value co-creation perspective. Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, 2018.7.26 - 2018.7.29
Chunlin, Yuan., Xiaolei, Yu. The driving factors of the relationship of para-social interaction in SNS environment and its impact on customer equity. Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, 2018.7.26 - 2018.7.29
Chunlin Yuan ,Kyunghoon, Kim., Xiaolei, Yu,A study on the effect of features towards online store on reuse intention in China,2016 Global Marketing Conference at Hongkong,HongKong,2016.07.21-2016.07.24
Xiaolei, Yu., Kyunghoon, Kim. Effects of Brand Experience in SNS, Brand Attachment and Trust on Customer Equity. 2014 Global Marketing Conference at Singapore. Marina Bay, Singapore, 2014.07.15-07.18
Xiaolei, Yu., Kyunghoon, Kim. How consumers’ brand experience in social media can improve brand perception and customer equity. 2014 Korean Scholars of Marketing Science Spring International Conference. Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2014.05.10-05.11
Xiaolei, Yu., Kyunghoon, Kim. Emotional Brand Attachment and Customer Equity in SNS. 2013 Korean Scholars of Marketing Science Fall International Conference. 2013.11.9-11.10
Xiaolei, Yu., Kyunghoon, Kim. Brand Experience and Customer Equity in SNS Environment. EMAC 2013 European Marketing Academy 42nd Annual Conference. Istanbul, Turkey, 2013.06.04-06.07
Xiaolei, Yu., Kyunghoon, Kim. Influence upon Customer Equity, made by Brand Familiarity and Attachment through Brand Experience in SNS. 2013 Korean Scholars of Marketing Science Spring International Conference. Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2013.05.25
Xiaolei, Yu., Kyunghoon, Kim. Neuro marketing Cases in China. 2012 Korean Scholars of Marketing Science Fall International Conference. Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2012.11.10-11.11
Xiaolei, Yu., Kyunghoon, Kim. The Structural Relationship of Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) and Fit Between Corporate/Consumer-CSR Activities and Brand Attitude. 2012 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul. Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2012.07.20-07.22
Xiaolei, Yu., Kyunghoon, Kim. How to handle Research Design and Assumption of MANOVA. 2011 Korean Scholars of Marketing Science Fall International Conference. 2011.11.12-11.13
Xiaolei, Yu., Yeonggeun Park. A Study on Destination Image and Perceived Value, Behavioral Intention According to the Foreign Tourist' Expectation -Focused on Chinese Tourists who have Visited Korea. 2011 International Conference of Yanbian University-Korean Strategic Marketing Association. 2011, Yanbian, P.R. China, 2011.07.21-07.24
科研基金 |
中国博士后科学基金会, 面上项目, 2020M682287,基于价值共创视角的动态品牌体验形成机制与作用效应研究,2020-2022,结项,主持 开封市哲学社会科学规划项目,ZXSKGH-2021-0348,“郑开同城”背景下开封营商环境与企业家精神培育机制研究,2021,结项,主持 伟德国际1946源自英国科学研究基金,20873999,交互性沟通策略在网络口碑中的作用机制研究,2016-2018,结项,主持 国家社会科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 20BJY037,先进制造业知识积累、互联网叠加承载技术创新和产业升级研究,2020-2022,在研,参与 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年项目, 71702049,SNS环境中准社会互动关系的驱动要素及其对品牌资产的作用机理研究,2018-2020,在研,参与 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目,19YJC630090,数字化背景下顾客参与顾客间价值共创的行为机制研究,2019-2022,在研,参与 河南省哲学社会科学规划项目,2017BJJ020, 郑州航空港经济综合实验区融入“一带一路”战略对策研究,2017-2019,结项,参与 伟德国际1946源自英国哲学社会科学创新团队培育计划, 2019CXTD008, 社会化媒体下虚拟社区消费者行为研究, 2019-2013,在研,参与 河南省教育厅人文社会科学研究一般项目,2015-QN-029,交互性沟通策略在旅游景区网络营销口碑传播中的作用研究,结项,参与 河南省社科联、河南省经团联调研课题,SKL-2019-2849, 推进河南省经济结构战略性调整对策研究, 结项,参与 伟德国际1946源自英国科学研究基金,2013YBRW001,交互性沟通策略在移动应用软件(App)服务品质和顾客选择行为中的作用研究,20014-2015,结项,参与 |
教学项目及奖励 |
教育部产学合作协同育人项目,《网络营销》课程内容与体系优化研究,主持,2021 伟德国际1946源自英国线上线下混合式一流本科课程建设项目,《电子商务概论》,2020 河南省虚拟仿真实验教学项目,《跨境电商1210模式仿真实验》,2019 伟德国际1946源自英国精品课程教材建设项目,《网络营销》主编,2018 第五届、第六届全国大学生电子商务“创新、创意及创业”挑战赛河南赛区 优秀指导教师奖,2016,2017 “创青春”全国大学生创业大赛电子商务专项赛(创意类)优秀奖指导教师,2016 伟德国际1946源自英国教学质量竞赛 一等奖2015 |
指导学生竞赛 |
第十一届全国大学生市场调查与分析大赛总决赛三等奖 2021 第十一届全国大学生电子商务“创新、创意及创业”挑战赛河南赛区二等奖,2021 “创青春”全国大学生创业大赛电子商务专项赛(创意类)优秀奖 2016 第六届全国大学生电子商务“创新、创意及创业”挑战赛河南赛区一等奖,2016 第六届全国大学生电子商务“创新、创意及创业”挑战赛河南赛区 二等奖 2016 |